

The exhibition Ahrenslab combines artistic, scientific, documentary and literary exhibits. It makes an offer to think about Ahrenshoop under the conditions of the Anthropocene, the new earth epoch in which human influences massively change the entire earth surface and biosphere.

What can artistic works and scientific observations make us feel and see of the sometimes rapid changes of the place and its surroundings, which one hardly notices in the everyday life of Ahrenshoop? What role does each of us personally have in this? And what alternatives and future perspectives can be developed if one begins to trust one's imagination?

The exhibition, which will grow through contributions from the visitors, has been realized in cooperation with students and alumni of the Caspar David Friedrich Institute of the University of Greifswald and with other artists. It will be flanked by workshops and installations in public space to exercise fantasies of the future.

Guest curator: Dr. Asmus Trautsch

Participating artists:

Nandór Angstenberger | Rabea Dransfeld | Jörg Finus | Klara Fries | Susanne Gabler | Felix Maximilian Galow | Irma Goerschel | Deborah Gross | Johanna Herrmann | Marie-Luise Holländer | Felix Jess | Daniel Kalafata-Müller | Pia-Catherine Lemm | Anne Martin | Karl Martin | Maik Schrainer | Ulrich Schneider | Marvin Schwenk | Annemarie Selleng | Hannah Steinbrecher | Lennart Sturm | Dr. Asmus Trautsch | Maria Trischberger | Arina Tsareva

9.9.2023, 17:00 Uhr
Opening of the exhibition AHRENSLAB
With performances, music and wine bar in the garden of the Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop

16.09.2023, 10 - 17 Uhr, inkl. Pausen
Fotomapping: Mapping perspectives on Ahrenshoop on camera
Direction: Klara Fries und Asmus Trautsch

Meeting point: Neues Kunsthaus Ahenshoop

Maps tell stories. They form our spatial understanding of the world and shape our perception of spaces. Together we will go on a search for traces through Ahrenshoop, examine the place with camera and pencil and create maps of Ahrenshoop. The maps will illustrate our own perspectives on Ahrenshoop and at the same time raise and answer questions: How do you imagine Ahrenshoop in 2040?

The result will be incorporated into the exhibition Ahrenslab. Adults and young people from the age of 14 are welcome! Previous knowledge is not necessary. A smartphone, tablet or digital camera should be brought along.

Registration is requested by 15.09. to: post@neues-kunsthaus-ahrenshoop.de

Participation is free of charge. 

23.09.2023, 11 Uhr
Free Swim: An intervention on the beach
Direction: Jörg Finus

Meeting point: Neues Kunsthaus Ahenshoop

The workshop "Freischwimmen" with Jörg Finus is a participatory experiment. The end result is the realization of a temporary art installation on the beach and in the sea in Ahrenshoop. The participants will gain insight into the process of creation, conception and realization of an artistic project.

After first discussing questions about the relationship between art and political content, the practical part of the workshop begins, in which the partly prepared work of art is finalized and installed on a section of beach in Ahrenshoop (Rise 12).

The central element of the planned installation in the sea will be floating hands, which symbolically show the consequences of the climate catastrophe and possible scenarios of flooding. The implementation is to take place in discourse and with the participation of the participants and will certainly offer some potential for discussion.

Registration is requested by 22.09. to: post@neues-kunsthaus-ahrenshoop.de

Participation is free of charge.

Info: www.joergfinus.de / insta: joerg_finus

21.10.2023, 10 Uhr
Anthropocene Hybrids: A Material Search for Traces
Direction: Anne Martin und Rabea Dransfeld

Meeting point: Neues Kunsthaus Ahenshoop

Together we will deal with materials in Ahrenshoop, which we will collect and sort: What are natural, what are artificial finds, what traces can be recognized in them, what periods of time? And to what extent do they stand for a new earth epoch, the Anthropocene? Together we will build an exhibition device for the fun pieces, sort them into an interesting Wunderkammer and present them. Together we will find answers to questions about the future of the material and the place Ahrenshoop.

The result will be included in the exhibition Ahrenslab. Adults and young people from the age of 12 are welcome! Previous knowledge is not necessary.

Registration is requested by 16.10. to: post@neues-kunsthaus-ahrenshoop.de

Participation is free of charge. 


15 Uhr Führung durch die Ausstellung AHRENSLAB mit Kurator Dr. Asmus Trautsch
16 Uhr Diskussion zu emotionalen Umgangsweisen mit der planetaren Krise und der Imagination von Zukunft. Mit Aktivist:innen und Expert:innen aus Kunst und Wissenschaft in Kooperation mit der Universität Greifswald.

Guided visits
mit dem Gastkurator Dr. Asmus Trautsch:
10.09.2023 / 16 Uhr
17.09.2023 / 16 Uhr
24.09.2023 / 16 Uhr
22.10.2023 / 16 Uhr
05.11.2023 / 15 Uhr

The exhibition and accompanying program are supported by: Ministry of Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | County of Vorpommern-Rügen | Foundation of the Sparkasse Vorpommern | Ostseebad Ahrenshoop | Sparkasse Vorpommern | SAVE THE FUTURE | Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institute of the University of Greifswald | Förderverein Nationalpark Boddenlandschaft e.V. | Naturschutzstiftung Deutsche Ostsee / OSTSEESTIFTUNG und NEUE KUNST HAT FREUNDE

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© Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop